Diseases of Attitude

We have all hear the quote ‘attitude is everything’. But how many of us truly understand this and take the time to ensure we have the proper attitude?

To be able to change your results, first start by changing your attitude. But what is our attitude? Our attitude is our sum total of our thoughts, feelings and actions. Its every part of you.

“Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us” -Earl Nightingale

Throughout my life’s search for continuing growth and learning, I have found there are major diseases of attitude which can cripple your future. They are just as bad as physical diseases. They’ll destroy all the good things you start. The following is the list of attitude diseases to stay as far away from as possible.

1. Indifference

The shrug of the shoulder. People just drifting along. There is one problem with drifting, you can’t drift to the top of the mountain!

Be one way or the other! Hot or cold, not lukewarm. Pick a direction and go with everything you’ve got. If its the wrong direction you will find out quicker and be able to change it.

Heres the key to the good life: Learn to put everything you’ve got into everything you do. Don’t give someone half a job for a days pay.

2. Indecision

Mental paralysis, not making up your mind. Just get off the fence! Any side will do.

A life full of adventure is a life full of many decisions. The ones that turn out to be wrong give you better experience to make better decisions. So don’t see how many decisions you can get out of, see how many you can get into.

3. Doubt

It’s like a plague. The worst is self doubt. The guy doubts himself, doubts it’ll last that long, doubts he can do that well, doubts if he can make that much. Imagine how much damage that can do to your future.

To flip this to the other side, become a believer, a believer of yourself.

4. Worry

Worry causes health problems, social problems, every problem. It can even lead to you begging.

The best thing to do with worry, is to give it up! It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

5. Over Caution

Some people will never have that much because they are too cautious. They say ‘what if THIS happens?’. Its called the language of the poor. ‘I better not try.’

The thing they haven’t figure out though, its ALL risky. The minute you were born was risky. If you think trying is risky, wait till they hand you the bill for not trying. If you think investing is risky, wait till you get the tab for not investing.

6. Pessimism

The deadly disease of always looking on the bad, problem side. The poor pessimist lives an ugly life. He doesn’t try to figure out what’s right, he tries to figure out whats wrong! He looks for fault and when he finds it, he is delighted. This is the guy who when looks out the window doesn’t see the sunset, he sees the specs on the window. This is the guy who rushes up and says he’s got 5 good reasons why it won’t work. He’s so dumb he doesn’t know all he needs is one.

It all depends on how you look at a situation. Our lives are mostly affected by the way we think things are, not the way they are. The way we think things are effects us the most.

7. The worst of all: Complaining

Crying, whining. Spend 5 minutes of your life complaining and you’ve wasted 5.

Give people an opportunity, they will complain about its too hard, too far, too difficult and they forget what they can get out of it. Indulge in this disease for too long and your future will be canceled.

Be on the look out for all of the things that can destroy all the good you do. If we can rid of these 7 diseases of our mental attitude, we can live a positive, prosperous life. On the other hand, allowing any of these to get into our minds can take us completely off track and take away all the good we have started. Guard your mind and attitude from all negative outside sources.

The first steps to change is becoming aware of what you are doing wrong. If you have fallen victim to one of these 7 diseases, its okay, but now that you are aware of it, its your responsibility to change it.

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